The Chinese Spring Festival is one of the most celebrated festival in the world, which marks a celebration of a new year according to traditional Chinese calendar, a time where friends and family come together and bond over delicious food and drinks, creating unforgettable moments through countless interaction and laughter. It was with this aim that during this festive season, The Drawing Room had held a two-day cultural event called – “Rejoice in Togetherness” – on the 18th and 19th January 2020.
The event received an overwhelming and positive response from the public and attracted more than 600 people from across the world at our studio, SCULPTUREATWORK. We were honored to collaborate with some of the most amazing cultural preserver in Malaysia, which includes UNI, a media platform for preserving local culture, and a youth association from Kuala Kubu Bharu, who led the main activity for this event which was the making of Glutinous Rice Cake, a significant cultural food during Chinese New Year.

During the design and planning phase, our team was dedicated in creating comfortable spaces that allow our visitors to dine, interact and move freely in some of our art gallery. We provided a unique experience for our visitors through our space that sparked elements of childhood memories of their past and an opportunity to reunite with friends and family. It was a cultural gathering of the revival of old ways, created in a conjoined effort with our vendor partners to rediscover old Chinese roots. We mapped out the event by bringing together traditional performers, long-lost cultural food and activities that have faded in recent times.
We are extremely grateful the event turned out to be a success and it is a testimony of our passion in delivering quality cultural events in the future.
For more information and future event announcement, please follow:
春节,是个为习以为常的生活,微加一份浓浓的幸福感的节庆,同时在这期间享受着家人之间、朋友之间的团聚时光。秉持中华节庆的习俗,The Drawing Room在2020年1月18及19号以 ‘相见而欢,相聚而乐‘ 的标语,举办了一场名为 ’聚‘ 的新春文化聚会,希望能让来宾在这个活动中与家人朋友们相聚,一起分享这个佳节的欢乐。聚在一起庆祝佳节最重要的元素 — 人与人之间的交流与沟通,而这亦是在规划此活动的细节时最重要的考量。在场地空间设计时,我们的团队用心设置了许多让来宾舒适对谈的空间,让大家能用最自在的姿态,相聚,并让欢乐加倍。
这个活动也受到许多人正面的关注,当时更是吸引了大约600名来宾前来参与,而透过这个活动,我们也有幸认识并且与一些文化保育者合作,其中一个合作者包括‘有你’,一个保存马来西亚当地文化的影像平台。这次的活动中我们也邀请了来自新古毛的乌雪艺术青年协会前来带领我们当天的一个重头戏 – 现场年糕制作的环节,一个在农历新年相当重要的文化食品。